Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Please visit at our new blog

We have moved!

Due to technical difficulties posting here, I have been offline for a while. They started when I traveled, suddenly I was told they did not "recognize my computer" and asked for my mobile number to confirm. I stopped posting while traveling.

A month or so later, I started getting the same block here at home, and have not been able to access without giving my mobile number for a text. In other applications, they ask if you want a text or voice call, and I choose voice and use the land line. My mobile number is for family and friends only. I get enough random calls selling me everything from great vacations I have earned (really, how?) to begging ones from official sounding agencies with sob stories. My land line rings constantly with those, my mobile is private.

I talked to a fellow business professional, who also happens to be my niece, and she recommended I go to another platform.

So, thank you for your reading and support on this blog. Please pop over to our new location:
Nichter Photography PLUS at I just realized that the custom link feature does not support the .blog feature, so sorry, you will have to copy and paste!