Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wildflowers, and a Festival at Brooker Creek Preserve

Blue Curl - this flower is very small, taken with a macro lens

(Click here to see full story and photographs)

Starting in September, although it remains warm and humid and suspiciously like August, we start to see the signs of the wildflowers to come. The recognizable stalks, leaves, and flower heads emerge, and each hike we walk by to see if they finally bloomed. Both Spring and Fall bring a profusion of wildflowers to central Florida, and while some have a favorite most love both seasons and the flowers they bring. That said, the wildflowers of Fall seem to be the most welcome, perhaps because in addition to their beauty they announce the return to the slightly cooler temperatures and much lower humidity that we lost sometime in June.

Each year Brooker Creek Preserve in Tarpon Springs, FL holds a Wildflower Festival. This free event, held October 15 this year, features a wildflower quest along one of the hiking trails to find all the wildflowers in bloom. After completing the quest, explore the various exhibits such as a walk through butterfly tent, and also a bee hive with a beekeeper explaining and answering questions. After that, sit in on talks on wildflower gardening, and wildflower photography (this one done by us), in short sessions repeated through the day. Children can spend some time completing various crafts pertaining to wildflowers.

Karl worked several years on a project photographing wildflowers, in general portraits done with a macro. I contributed a few done with a zoom lens. We will be showing some of those portraits, and sharing how we achieved the result, in our talk on Saturday. We hope to see you there if you are in the area.
Catesby's Lily - endangered species, Fall wildflower found in Preserve in September and October

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