I can’t explain why it
took so long for us to visit this museum in Dade City, FL. We saw it from the
road many times while driving to another destination. We attend many other events
celebrating the rural way of life of Florida, but somehow missed this one. During
a recent conversation, a friend mentioned visiting Dade City, and we decided to
take advantage of the continuing beautiful winter weather here to take a day
trip. While researching what we might do, I found the Pioneer Florida Museum
and we decided to make that our first stop.
The grounds open at 10
a.m., and we were the first in the door. The building we entered contains many
exhibits of early Florida life such as a music room, where the family would
gather to entertain each other before television or the Internet, kitchen
utensils from the days when most of the food production occurred in the home
and not in a factory or restaurant, and hundreds of old tools.
We left that building
and admired the recreated train station, and of course pulled the cord to sound
the train whistle. The Lacoochee School House build in 1926 and moved to the
museum grounds shows the one room school house with the small wooden desks that
have holes for the ink well. We moved on to the church, then one of the oldest
wood houses still standing in Pasco, the barn with all kinds of old carriages,
farm implements and tractors.
We enjoyed the visit
so much we returned a week later with family who were in town, and they enjoyed
it too. Admission is a reasonable $8 for adults, $6 for seniors, and $4 for