Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Singing Cardinal

Singing Northern Cardinal

Many years ago someone posted a beautiful photograph of a Northern Cardinal on a birding site. A new birder, this person captured the red bird in a delightful way, and expressed their excitement in discovering birding. Then the comments started, most of the initial ones negative. Why did this person post such a common bird? Everyone sees these birds all the time. Finally, a regular poster and experienced birder came on to chastise the negative comments and point out that we all were beginners once and it was wonderful that this person took such joy in watching and photographing the bird. I don’t recall ever seeing another post from that person.

This minor incident many years ago came to mind recently. While hiking at EcoWalk with birding friends we all heard a beautiful song coming from above. We looked up and saw a stunningly red younger Northern Cardinal singing loudly and purely. Every time he stopped his tuft would flatten. Then he tilted his head back, raised his tuft, and sang again. We stood for several minutes enjoying this impromptu aria before he flew away.

All of us are experienced birders, one with 40+ years of experience and a life list that evokes envy, and we chose this hike looking for migrants and other birds to add to a trip list. Yet, this most common of birds stopped us in our tracks for several minutes. It reminded me of why we started birding, and why we continue. The thrill of following the sightings and seeing live a bird that eluded us in the past continues to inspire us, but the everyday wonder of a singing bird still causes us to pause in our quest and just plain enjoy.

We have the good fortune of living on a tidal creek. The invasive Brazilian Peppers which grow on the banks of that creek, just the other side of our property line, provide shelter and food for a variety of wildlife. I know the arrival of spring by hearing the call of Chuck-wills-widow through the open door, and often prepare meals or clean the kitchen listening to the unending and ever changing songs of Northern Mockingbirds.

I managed to get only one shot of the Cardinal while singing, I was honestly too busy listening.

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