Thursday, October 5, 2017

Sandhill Cranes in the Road

Sandhill Cranes in the road, not moving for people or cars

We had a strange experience with some Sandhill Cranes last week. I started on my morning run about 6 a.m. as usual, before the sun makes it too hot and the traffic makes it too dangerous. The darkness on the road is punctuated regularly by new LED street lights, making the road very well lit. As I came around the circle I looked up and as I ran realized something was in the road just out of the light. I slowed down to a walk and cautiously approached. Our much suburbanized neighborhood borders the Gulf of Mexico and Trouble Creek, with a park and small preserve on the other side of the creek. I often see raccoons, opossum, armadillos, and once a beautiful coyote.  Of course, my fellow early morning exercisers cross my path regularly too.

As my eyes adjusted, I realized four Sandhill Cranes stood in the middle of the road. I continued to approach, and saw all were on one leg in a roosting type position. Oddly, they saw me coming and never moved. I came quite close and they just watched, never moving at all. We often hear Sandhill Cranes and see them flying overhead, but this is the first time I saw any landed in our area. I had just passed our street so went back, found Karl, and showed him the birds. I left to get my camera, and he also approached them closely finding they would not move.

As I took a few shots, a car sped up the street, and stopped suddenly just feet from the four who still had not moved. The car sat there for a minute, then went around as the birds finally started showing some animation and milled about, but still in the same of the road. I used a very high ISO with no flash to avoid spooking or startling the cranes, though if they didn't move for the headlights of a fast approaching car, it probably made no difference.

Karl heard the trash truck coming, and managed to get the birds off the road. As the truck passed, the noise finally stirred them and they took off with the loud squawk for which they are known.

We debated on what caused them to simply stand and not move for people, cars, or anything else. We wondered if a predator lurked in one of the lawns, though the houses are close together the lawns not large. Whatever it was, it certainly surprised us. We were happy they flew off to safety, and have not seen them since.

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