Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Dine at Susan’s

Driving along the ‘Blue Highways’, those roads that go through villages and towns rather than the bland sameness of the interstate highways, increases travel time but also increases interesting experiences. We started the morning with a large breakfast, with the intention of driving as far as possible toward our destination and then enjoying a late lunch.

We look for local restaurants wherever we go. After years of interstate travel to visit family in the western New York region, which usually meant lunches and sometimes even dinners at one of the chain family restaurants, we realized that the food all started tasting the same regardless of which one we chose. We often exited the highway looking for local venues, but after the financial crisis of 2008/2009 we saw more closed restaurants in the smaller towns than open. On one memorable occasion, we searched for a place to have breakfast, and after finding all the local restaurants out of business we asked a local who told us the new McDonald’s off the interstate was the only breakfast place left.

This time the road we chose provided nearly any chain imaginable, and plenty of fast food. Getting hungry, we just decided to head a little closer to the highway, choose one and eat, when we passed a small yellow building with a tiny parking lot, and colorful sign:

Karl turned around, and we went inside. As soon as we entered and saw the cheery décor, we knew we made the right choice. A board showed the days’ specials, and a waitress brought us the regular menu. Karl ordered his usual burger, and I ordered the beef tips blue plate special, which was delicious and really hit the spot. We enjoyed the meal, and the surroundings. After paying the very reasonable check and leaving a tip for the waitress, we headed back to the van. I asked Karl about his burger, and he gave it the highest praise he can give a burger, and he is a burger expert: “It tasted like one I would make”.

Susan’s Restaurant in Holt, FL is in our travel journal, and will be a stop anytime we are in that area.

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